
Lisa Lee
I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist based in the Forth Valley area of Scotland. My background is in Psychology - I graduated with my MA (hons) degree from the University of Edinburgh in 2012, having always been fascinated by the human mind and behaviour. My first personal insight into hypnotherapy was in the form of hypnobirthing, which I studied and used for the births of my second and third children. I was amazed at what a difference the techniques made – it was such an empowering and positive experience. This motivated me to look into training as a hypnotherapist.
I have 3 young children, all with additional support needs. As a carer for their complex needs, it has helped me grow as a person and truly appreciate how unique we all are. I have always been inclusive and non-judgmental in my outlook on life, but having children with both rare health issues and neurodivergence has made me much more understanding of the challenges people may face in their lives.
I am a calm, empathetic and approachable person, aiming to inspire and support people to make a positive change in their lives. I believe passionately in everyone striving to become the best version of themselves and living their best life. I hope to use the vast array of skills and knowledge I have to empower people and improve their quality of life. I am very aware that physical and mental health issues are on the rise globally. I truly believe that hypnotherapy holds the key to relieving some of these pressures by improving people’s mental and physical wellbeing.
I am fully qualified with my HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner’s Diploma), Dip(CAH) (Diploma in Clinical and Advanced Hypnosis). I have also done a specialist course on working with children and families. I am registered with the NCH and CNHC these are professional bodies to ensure ethical and professional standards of practice.
I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) and I am member of the PVG scheme.

Smoking Cessation
There are many tools available to help you quit smoking, so why would you choose my Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy sessions?
I will use hypnosis to get to the root cause of your addiction, using an individual tailored approach to go about changing your whole mindset when it comes to Smoking. Talking you through your habits and the cravings, we can challenge the negative behaviours that lead to smoking and stop them from reoccurring.
Quitting smoking can be difficult. However, with the right guidance the rewards are great! Stopping smoking comes with a range of benefits from the obvious health benefits to the social and financial ones too.
I offer a specialised Smoking Cessation session of 90-120mins (complimentary follow up included, if required). An Audio recording is provided after the session. Hypnotherapy can be very effective at helping people to quit smoking, most people only require the one specialised session to achieve their goal.
Believe in yourself, give your willpower a boost and Breathe Free!

Anxiety & Stress
Life is hard, your mind is precious. Nothing highlighted this more than the COVID-19 Pandemic that has seen millions of people across the UK struggling with their mental and physical health. Anxiety can manifest in 2 different ways – short term anxiety such as exam stress or anxiety before a big life event or as a more prolonged chronic condition. Whilst stress and anxiety are a normal part of life, they shouldn’t control it. If you find that stress or anxiety is impacting your life in a negative way or holding you back, we can help.
Anxiety or Stress management hypnotherapy is tailored to your individual needs. The first session (90mins) will be a consultation to understand your needs and get to the root of the issue. After this session, I will come up with a treatment plan, send you an Audio to help you continue your work at home, and also teach you any other suitable self-help tools to aid you to get the very best from our sessions together. Everyone’s needs are unique; however, most anxiety or stress treatments require an average of 3-4 sessions (60 mins each).
Find yourself, regain control and alleviate your stress and anxiety with Hypnosis at LML.

Paediatric Hypnotherapy
It’s hard being a child in today’s fast-paced world and as a loving caregiver there is nothing more heart-breaking than seeing your child struggle. Children’s Mental Health is an area of growing concern. As Jean Piaget famously said ‘Play is the work of childhood’- at LML we can support your child so that they can get back to the day job of creating happy memories. Paediatric Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive, talking therapy that aims to put the child’s needs front and centre. I work with your child to create a safe space where they feel comfortable and listened to. I professionally and delicately deal with a wide range of issues, such as: anxiety, bedwetting, selective eating, trauma, problems at school (bullying/behaviour), self-esteem and social media or societal pressures. Hypnotherapy can be very effective in helping a wide range of issues for children and young people. If there is something you think I can help with, please give me a call to discuss. I work with parents and caregivers to allow children to explore their inner self by confidence building, positive affirmations and imagination.
I offer paediatric hypnotherapy for children aged 7+. Hypnotherapy sessions for children are adapted to suit their age and attention span and are therefore shorter than standard adult sessions. The first session with a child typically lasts around an hour, with further sessions lasting between 20-40 mins. As such, the fees for paediatric hypnotherapy are: £65 for the first session and £45 for each subsequent session. I also offer a free parent consultation for children under the age of 13 to discuss your child’s needs prior to commencing treatment with the child.
Break down life’s barriers, empower our children and transform their lives…

Suffering from lingering chronic pains such as old sports injuries or a bad back? Struggling with debilitating illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, M.E or C.F.S? You can make a positive choice to break the cycle of pain management...
As an OldPain2Go® Practitioner, I use talking therapies and specific techniques to open your unconscious mind and break those unnecessary associations to free you from your old pain.
OldPain2Go® is a proven methodology, created by Steven Blake. Further information and testimonials can be found here https://oldpain2go.com
I offer a 2-session package (Approx. 2 hours per session) for £350. Please note, before coming to see me, it is important that you have seen a medical practitioner for diagnosis of your condition. If you have any questions, please contact me and we can discuss.
Lose the pain, live your life.

Weight Management
Tried to lose weight but life seems to get in the way? Or maybe you are at the start of your transformational journey and want to give something different a go? Either way, hypnotherapy for weight loss can help you achieve your goals.
Your weight loss journey is more than just watching what you eat. It’s about promoting good mental health, breaking down habits or overcoming emotional traumas that have you finding comfort in food.
At LML Therapy we can target all of these areas, breaking down the barriers that hold you back from achieving your goals, finding your positive mindset for inner harmony and promoting a balanced diet and motivation to exercise.
Hypnotherapy for weight management usually takes 5-7 sessions. In session 1 (90 mins) we go through an in-depth consultation to establish your individual goals and needs. Subsequent sessions are 60 mins long and focus on a plan tailored to your specific requirements – focussing on positive changes, whilst also dealing with any underlying factors that may be inhibiting your weight loss goals. As part of the weight management program, you will be given an Audio recording and specific homework tasks to help you get the most out of your sessions with me and aid your success in achieving your goals.
Set your goals, lose the weight and gain a new lease of life!

Can’t shake that unbearable fear of an animal, object, place, situation or nagging feeling? A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are more pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object. In severe cases, phobias can have a large impact on a person’s life, manifesting in avoidance patterns or restrictive behaviour. Hypnotherapy can unlock the true subconscious triggers behind your response and conquer the phobias that hold you back in your daily life. At LML we have several techniques we can use combined with hypnosis to help you overcome your phobias and get your life back, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
The first session (90mins) will be a client consultation to get to the root of your phobia and come up with a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. Subsequent sessions are 60mins long. You will also be given an Audio recording to help you get the most out of your sessions with me. The amount of sessions will vary depending on the individual, however most people require 3-4 sessions in total.
Conquer your fears, build confidence and regain control of your life!

Confidence / Performance
Burdened with the lack of confidence or self-belief? Struggling with performance anxiety? You needn’t be held back. My Hypnotherapy for Confidence sessions can help you overcome any obstacle through empowerment and can be applied to many areas such as competitive sports, work Interviews, public speaking or just generally to improve your confidence in everyday life. Together we can work on unlocking your true potential.
Session 1 will be a 90min consultation, followed by 60min treatment sessions thereafter. An Audio recording will be provided to help support you in your goals. As every client is unique, the number of sessions can vary, however most clients will require 3-4 sessions.
Believe in yourself, boost your confidence and achieve your true potential!

KG Hypnobirthing
Here at LML Therapy we offer 1:1 private KG Hypnobirthing classes at a selection of locations in Stirling and Clackmannanshire. This is a comprehensive antenatal education where you are given the tools to give your baby the best possible start in life. We teach hypnobirthing techniques and explore choices and options for pregnancy and birth, enabling parents to feel confident, release fear and achieve the best birth experience for them. I have a vast array of skills and knowledge that I can draw upon to make sure that you feel supported at every step of your journey, and I feel privileged to be able to play a part in such a special time in people’s lives. I myself have used KG Hypnobirthing for the births of 2 of my children, it was such an empowering and relaxing experience that it inspired me to train as a KGH teacher.
The course is 12 hours long in total and can be delivered over 4 x 3-hour sessions or 2 x 6-hour sessions. You will receive a copy of The Hypnobirthing Book, 4 MP3 Audio recordings, a Parent’s Folder and access to ongoing telephone and email support for the duration of your pregnancy/birth. The KG Hypnobirthing package is £350 (includes one birth partner) and can be paid up-front or divided into a payment plan (£100 per session 1,2 & 3, £50 at session 4). Further information can be found at https://www.kghypnobirthing.com
Release your fears, build your confidence and feel empowered…

What if you could have the benefits of a Gastric Band, without the risks of surgery and spending thousands of pounds? Well, now you can! Here at LML therapy, we are licensed Hypno-band Practitioners and offer this unique system to help you eat smaller portions and feel full. The Hypno-band is designed as a safe alternative to surgery for people who are considered clinically obese (BMI >30). It is non-invasive and uses hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural techniques to help you achieve your ideal weight and stay there!
We carry out a client consultation prior to commencing treatment to ensure that Hypno-band is the right choice for you. Over 4 sessions, we take you through the process of having your Hypnotic Gastric Band fitted. Using visualisation and suggestion, your mind will believe that your stomach has become smaller and needs less food. By eating less food, you will begin to lose weight. You will receive 3 MP3 Audio recordings to listen to at home to support your sessions, along with a resource folder to help you stay on track and make healthy lifestyle choices. The Hypno-band system is £450 which can be paid up-front or divided into a payment plan of £150 over the first 3 sessions. The key to success is YOU! If you are committed to losing weight and changing your eating and lifestyle habits for good, then Hypno-band is for you. Further information can be found at https://www.hypnoband.com
Lose the weight, keep it off and change your life forever!